Transportation Studies
Baseline has prepared numerous Caltrans technical studies to support environmental review of highway improvement projects. Our services include:
Phase I Initial Site Assessment
Phase II Preliminary Site Investigation
Air Quality Impact Analysis
Preliminary Geological Assessment
Preliminary Noise and Vibration Study
Baseline’s hazardous materials services for transportation projects include the evaluation of contaminants of concern in soil (e.g., aerially-deposited lead), groundwater, and structural materials (e.g., lead-based paint). Soil analytical results are often statistically analyzed prior to excavation to evaluate potential risks to human health and to minimize the generation of hazardous wastes for offsite disposal.
Baseline’s air quality services for transportation projects include Air Quality Conformity assessments to analyze short-term construction emissions of criteria air pollutants; long-term operational emissions of mobile source air toxics; and greenhouse gas emissions. Baseline staff are skilled in using quantitative air quality tools such as EMFAC and air pollutant dispersion models (CALINE and AERMOD).